
My name is Jimbo and I love the paranormal. I don't know how you feel about ghosts, whoopie cushions, and outer space but I find them all fascinating. Who doesn't want to learn more about UFOs I have been a paranormal fanatic since childhood! My favorite topics in this field are ghosts, aliens, and ghost-hunters--spooky stuff that always leaves me feeling amused or scared (in a good way).

I want to help you learn about all of these things. I'm here to tell you my experiences, theories on UFOs and ghosts, and even offer resources for becoming even more educated in the paranormal. Have a question? Feel free to ask me anything! I hope you find this blog enjoyable and super helpful. Happy reading!

My goal is to separate fact-based information from the fictions of the mainstream media and get you educated in all this stuff without wasting your time and money. I'm not selling anything; this is just an effort to help others learn about the paranormal and share my knowledge!

Important Facts About Me:

I live in Boise, Idaho where I am a student. I have a passion for paranormal experiences and ghost-hunting that fills my days with excitement. It is a hobby for me but also a way to pass the time, especially since college can be really boring! I like to spend the majority of my free time investigating hauntings and paranormal activity with friends or by myself. I am genuinely interested in learning more about aliens, ghosts, and UFOs. I keep an open mind to all ideas and theories about anything that is popular in the paranormal community.

I have been involved with ghost-hunting for several years as well as being a fan of the paranormal. As a self-proclaimed expert on all things paranormal it is my job to help other people learn more about these topics without them getting scammed or falling prey to false information.

The Paranormal is a vast, shifting world filled with lots of amazing (and ridiculous) topics that never cease to amaze me. The paranormal community is full of amazing and extremely knowledgeable people who know a lot more about ghosts, aliens, and the like than I do.

I have conducted many investigations and ghost hunts of my own. I'm not a 'professional' at anything but I have applied my research and intelligence to the world of the paranormal. As someone who is passionate about the paranormal, I have a knowledge base that can help you understand what is going on with people who claim to have seen an alien or encounter something of an unexplainable nature.

Ghosts, aliens, and all things otherworldly fascinate me; so much so that it makes me want to investigate them even more. If you've never experienced anything like that, whether it be a paranormal activity or the feeling of being watched or followed, you should consider yourself really lucky but also highly appreciative.

I am interested in learning about the paranormal and I want to help people learn more about aliens, ghosts, and all types of mysteries without them being fleeced by false information. I know what it is like to be a skeptic who has had 'close encounters' with strange things in the world and I know what it is like to have experienced enough ghostly activity to believe they exist. My goal is you never have to feel scared but also know that there are ways to educate yourself in order for you not to waste your money or time on something fake.

I enjoy talking to potential clients on Skype/Google Hangouts about their cases or just meeting up for beers (if you are local).

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